You may have come into this world 100% unplanned, but that doesn’t make you any less than 100% worthy.
— Laura Beavers
To forgive is to grieve - for what happened, for what didn’t happen - and to give up the need for a different past
— Edith Eger

Are you an adult adoptee whose life is held back from not feeling good enough?

  • Do you hide your thoughts and feelings for fear of criticism and shame?

  • Do you catch yourself constantly people-pleasing to avoid rejection?

  • Do you wake up with a persistent sense of worry and guilt?

I know exactly how you feel.

I have been there, too.

Something in you says, if I’m authentic, I won’t be loved anymore and if I’m not loved, I won’t survive
— Gabor Mate
Let people be wrong about you.
— Brooke Castillo

Whether you’re adopted or not, many of us have experienced a significant disconnection from those we love because of circumstances not in our control.

Along the way, we’ve learned that our thoughts and feelings don’t matter, and if we can just not make any waves, everything will be fine. Keep the peace at all costs.

Human beings are wired to avoid negative emotions. A lot of times, we would do anything to avoid them and pretend they don’t exist.

So we overeat, overdrink, overshop, overwork, or binge on our phones or TVs…. to avoid having to feel our negative emotions.

We blame our circumstances for how we feel and judge others for not doing what we need them to do to make us feel better. When we are not aware of our subconscious thinking, and what it is doing to us, we become stuck. When our minds have become preoccupied with gathering evidence from the world around us that we are unworthy, we live into that theory.

We believe it.

My dear friends, I have good news. It is possible to look at our minds and unpack what is there. We can’t change it unless we are willing to look at it. We don’t resist or hate what’s there. We look at it and respect it for keeping us alive for this long. It has done its job, but if we want to move forward in our lives and evolve past this current state, we have to be willing to let go of what is no longer serving us.

I want to help adoptees and non-adoptees feel, believe, and act as worthy as they are.

It is your natural birthright to enjoy this life, have your own back, have confidence, discover your unique brilliance, and live more freely.

To schedule a free 30-minute consultation, click the “LEARN MORE” button below. 

I want to hear about where you are on your journey and what you want more of.

There has never been a better time for healing and growth. There are so many gifted teachers and mentors out there are making a real difference in people’s lives. I want to be one of them. My mission is to bring more adoptees into this healing space. We’re all in this together!

You’ve waited long enough.