Are you ready to receive the tools and awareness that will forever change your relationship with adoption?

● Heal and make peace with your circumstances around adoption.

● Learn to become aware of your feelings and how to process them.

● Learn how to navigate challenging relationships in your biological or adopted families.

● Uncover limiting self-beliefs and learn how to trust yourself and your decisions.

What coaching IS and what it is NOT:

Coaching IS:

● A safe space to share and explore your thoughts and feelings about adoption

● A place to learn the model to manage your mind and how to self-coach yourself anywhere, anytime

● A place to learn to love and trust yourself first.

Coaching is NOT:

● A place to give advice about what you should or shouldn’t do

● A place that assists with adoption search or reunion

● A place to give legal advice or information about state laws

● A space that will continue to coach if therapy would be better suited.