Terms and Conditions

Laura Beavers Coaching is designed to help clients achieve goals but does not guarantee specific results. It is not a replacement for mental healthcare, licensed therapy, or prescribed pharmaceuticals. Coaching does not treat or diagnose mental health conditions. If you are experiencing active trauma or want help processing a traumatic experience, please seek the help of a licensed mental health professional. While Laura Beavers Coaching is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment, it does not claim to be fully versed in diversity issues dealing with race, religion, gender, and economic differences. Please let us know if you feel triggered during any part of Laura Beavers Coaching so we can assess the situation. Laura Beavers Coaching is not liable for the client’s actions, decisions, or outcomes. All information shared during coaching sessions is confidential unless otherwise required by law or with the client’s explicit consent; however, non-identifying information acquired during or outside a coaching session may be used further to enhance the educational and coaching experience of others.